I use to mainly use torrents but newsgroups are so much more dependable and safer........
LOL your using the wrong trackers try turning off the public one's and picking up some good private ones.
Yeah I suppose quality and speed is better with private ones but to me, it pretty much carries alsmost the same risk as publics...........
I seen it debated over and over but my I still believe privates are just a tiny bit safer than public sites ..........
To me privates are just ones you have to get invited to, which isn't to hard considering every p2p related forum has an invite thread or the ability to trade invites....
Like we have here

.....So anyone can get invited.....That pretty much kills it from actually being private........
The strict Ratio's not a big deal to me since I try to give back when I receive something...........
I know there are some private ones are more exclusive but newsgroups fits my needs and wants better plus I've never had any big hassles using them other than paying a couple of bucks a month for access
I wouldn't say newsgroups are 100% safe but I believe there more safer than using torrents........I also have never dl'ed a torrent with the speed I receive on newsgroups........