Author Topic: How feasible is it to tack on a CPU heatsink to a GPU?  (Read 6374 times)

Offline Ressler

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How feasible is it to tack on a CPU heatsink to a GPU?
« on: September 13, 2019, 07:02:01 pm »
Trying to figure out if it's even worth it to put in an NH-D15 onto a a RTX 2080s. My main issue is that as a first time PC build, that I would damage the gpu components or even that it'd weight too heavy on the motherboard, and even though I'm willing to drop 2-3k on a desktop, doesn't mean I'm willing to incur a high risk to reward ratio like that. Anybody try it? There's a video on youtube where a guy did do it on an rtx 480 something or another and it worked really well. Thanks again.
fedloan easybib
« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 11:27:29 am by Ressler »