
Author Topic: How would I refresh my OrbiLogin secret word?  (Read 2144 times)

Offline kamim68192

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How would I refresh my OrbiLogin secret word?
« on: April 08, 2022, 05:15:07 pm »
●   The login password for Netgear orbi must be reset in order for it to work.
●   You'll need to complete a Netgear Orbi login by going to and inputting the web address.
●   Then go to the login page and use admin as your default login credentials. To log in, click the Login button.
●   Now you'll see the Basic home page.
●   From the drop-down menu, choose Advanced, then Administration.
●   To get started, go to the Password Setup Page.
●   You'll need to enter and confirm your password.
●   To save your changes, click the Apply button.
●   You must use the new password.