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Messages - Quantum

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Computers - Technology / Re: Audio & Video Players
« on: December 22, 2007, 11:28:17 pm »
after trying many i stuck with the VLC Player,K-lite codec pack
its quick and simple

 :-\, k-lite code is a mess and VLC uses it's own internal codecs anyway.

I'd personally uninstall k-lite and install CCCP, for when you're not using VLC.

Computers - Technology / Re: Your help please.
« on: December 22, 2007, 11:26:16 pm »
Shouldn't be any conflict at all.

If you're using the key from the version of windows you're installing, then it doesn't really matter.

Computers - Technology / Re: Your help please.
« on: December 22, 2007, 09:48:45 am »
I'm not sure, don't have enough info from that alone, if you don't mind sharing a lot about the computer you could post the output text file from:

    Start > Run > msinfo32<enter>

    File > Export

But you might be able to figure enough from that on your own.

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 3 Beta 2
« on: December 18, 2007, 07:35:31 pm »
Updated to Firefox 3 Beta 2  :)

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: Bit Che doesn't work on win2003!?
« on: December 14, 2007, 02:47:23 am »
That's very strange because it does work on XP x64 which is based off Win 2003, I've just informed Chip (the developer) of this now over IRC.

General Discussion / Re: BLAZING FAST
« on: December 09, 2007, 03:22:08 am »
No the topic does not refer to my auto   ;D but the cable speeds I have with my ISP. Now due note I did not keep the files that were downloading (I deleted them), I just wanted to find out the max download speed I can ascertain while using µTorrent and the more popular files of the day.


I was downloading at 1.1 MBps 2 nights ago, it was fun ^_^, still took the torrent 3 hours to download hehe.

Are those speeds from the University or at home? Here's a second image that I took tonight (minutes before logging into Convivea.


Home, University can download over 12 MBps  ;D

P2P - Filesharing / Re: Never-ending download? 99.9%?!
« on: December 08, 2007, 10:28:52 am »
Convivea doesn't support copyright infringement, so we're going to assume you own the game and are just downloading it for backup purposes.

Bugs & Feature Requests / Re: register bitche
« on: December 07, 2007, 10:46:09 pm »
I donated and got a code and it worked at first but now it says
Guevara Account
Sorry, your Guevara account could not be confirmed.

Please contact support if you believe this is an error.

Is this what the message means by support? How can I get it working again? Thanks for your time

That's odd it says:

 Guevara Access:     Permanent Access

Sure you're using the right e-mail and password?

P2P - Filesharing / Re: Which programs can compete with BitChe??
« on: December 07, 2007, 10:31:03 pm »
Torrent Harvester is the only other that I have used. It has been a long while, b/c when I stumbled across Bit Che, I dumped Harvester.

Yes Bit Che performs much better, IMO, but another thing that has kept me interested in this app is its attentive developer & the friendly community here. I remember suggesting a tabbed search, and within days, it was added.

Yup, Chip is good. I can't even remember / count the number of features I've suggested and bugs I've asked to be fixed and he's worked very attentatively to get everything done.

Build 60 has improved tab support  ;D, gunna be good.

General Discussion / Re: BLAZING FAST
« on: December 07, 2007, 10:29:23 pm »
No the topic does not refer to my auto   ;D but the cable speeds I have with my ISP. Now due note I did not keep the files that were downloading (I deleted them), I just wanted to find out the max download speed I can ascertain while using µTorrent and the more popular files of the day.


I was downloading at 1.1 MBps 2 nights ago, it was fun ^_^, still took the torrent 3 hours to download hehe.

General Discussion / Firefox 2 Updates (2.0.0.x)
« on: December 06, 2007, 09:23:47 pm »
This thread is a bit of a container for the moment as I try and see if it's possible to cut appart the Firefox 2 Beta 2 thread to just have a Firefox 2 Updates thread.

Latest version of Firefox:

Release Notes:

Mods feel free to update and edit this thread to make it neat

Music - Movies - TV / Re: THE STRIKE
« on: December 04, 2007, 07:46:40 pm »
It's not THAT bad, in a sense that not all writer's are in the union so not everyone is on strike. But here in America a lot of people like to get breaks, vacations, more pay and work less. That's what I think the strike is all about.

That's not really what the strike is about, it's the fact that they're not even getting payed for some of their work. It's a hugely interesting read:

Computers - Technology / Re: Is vista better than windows XP?
« on: December 04, 2007, 02:07:27 am »
I'm running Vista 64 bit and it gets better as time goes on. It was just like when windows 2000 Pro and windows XP came out. I got win 2k within the first month of it's release and it seemed like a disaster, I kept wanting to go back to windows 98 SE. Eventually, time caught up and it was my favorite windows OS to this date.

On my current system I have the idiotic and nagging UAC turned off, firewalls and windows defender turned off, sidebar and many many other Vista features turned off. I'm also running the windows classic theme. The performance is pretty good now :)

If I shut everything off then what's the point? Right now you can barely notice a difference between my computer and XP. Well, it's so I can have DirectX10, and to have the latest OS for future compatibility. Plus the new icons and a couple other subtle details are nice additions.

I would say Yes, Vista is better than XP. But, it requires a lot of tweaking and turning off crap. I have 4 GB of ram and somehow Vista still manages to use all of it. You need a high end system to use this.

I can't believe how badly Microsoft screwed up UAC. I installed ubuntu on my laptop because it delivers the same kind of easy experience of XP without quite the same resource requirement and came across their similar security system and was surprised at how amazingly well it just blended in to the OS without getting in my way ever 5 minutes.

Vista has a lot of bugs, not least to say to do wit stupid memory management, e.g virtual memory usage of a game is increased by the size of the memory of your graphics card pointlessly.I was looking when building a new computer of switching over to Vista SP1, but unless DirectX 10 suddenly makes a big leap in looks and performance, I think I might end up going with XP SP3 until either Vista SP2 or Windows 7.

General Discussion / Re: Firefox 3 Beta 1
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:50:13 am »
Does anyone know how this topic got merged with the locked Firefox 2 Beta 2 topic?

General Discussion / Re: Download Speeds
« on: December 03, 2007, 12:45:57 pm »
 :D I'm 10x worse, I always have to read my posts through at least twice before I go to the next thread and then I often still have typos or mistakes in them.

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