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Messages - Quantum

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 :D haha at what Microsoft will do to get you to use their search engine.

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 14, 2008, 09:20:18 pm »
What ALL of them at the same time!!!!!!.....stinks to me....they will make money out of it eventually, that is their forte ::)

Yes ... all at the same time ... it's almost like there's some problem affecting them all ... like there's something bigger going on in the world affecting banking and lending institutes ... like some sort of systemic financial problem, if only the media were reporting on it we'd know more  :o

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 14, 2008, 08:53:18 pm »
'Fat cat's' are human nature, if you manage to climb to the top, you reward yourself, and why not. Communism tried to make everybody equal, doesn't work, it's against human nature. I don't see anybody complaining about footballers exorbitant wages, if anybody is overpaid it's them. (except Man U players of course) [rolleyes].
OK Northern Rock went down! the government stepped in to help, then all of a sudden, four or five other banks were having difficulties, how convenient!! seems to me they were jumping on the band wagon, or gravy train.[mad]

Yes, I'm sure facing the possibility of bankruptcy to get a little bit of money out of the government with the cost of your stocks taking a nose dive, your baking leaders being booted, your bonuses being removed and the government taking a certain amount of control over you decisions from then on was on purpose  :P

Browsers / Re: Firefox 3.1 Beta 1
« on: October 14, 2008, 08:48:13 pm »
awesome.. thanks for the heads up.

ps, do you know if they are doing portable versions for these intern versions?

The portable version isn't created by Mozilla it's just done by that portable website. I imagine they'll re-do it given all you essentially have to do is add a 3 line JavaScript file in to the Firefox directory to make it portable (I used to do that before I heard someone made it portable), I don't remember what to write off the top of my head so I'll have a look around and see if I can make a guide, but I imagine the website will have it out soon.

P.S made an error above the shortcut to preview tabs is ctrl + tab not ctrl + t, updated it now

Browsers / Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 (soon to be Firefox 3.5)
« on: October 14, 2008, 12:13:16 pm »
Beta 3 has finally been released. Slowed down by the huge effort gone in to it's new JavaScript Engine called Tracemonkey making sure it works well, reduced crashes and no performance regressions. There shall be at least a beta 4 before final release and it will be called Firefox 3.5 Beta 4, the version bump is to represent how much has gone in to this release.

You can download here:

New features include:

  • A much improved faster Javascript engine
  • Improved tear away tabs (drag a tab off the window or in to the content and it'll make a new window)
  • Improved the new Private Browsing Mode.
  • Granular options for history clearing, choose last 1 hour, last day etc..
  • Improvements to web worker thread support.
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
  • Many standards improvement support from CSS2, CSS3, <video> and <audio> elements from HTML5 and the drag and drop API
  • Downloadable font support from @font-face in CSS3
  • SVG transformations, even on standard HTML elements

Quote from: old beta 2
Beta 2 continues from beta 1 and we now expect a beta 3.

New features include:

  • A new Private Browsing Mode that allows you to browse without Firefox storing any traces of where you’ve been - perfect for online holiday shopping!
  • New functions that make it easy to remove the history of your past few hours of browsing, or remove all traces of a website.
  • New support for web worker threads. (faster processing of multiple files at once)
  • The new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine is now on by default for web content. (much faster javascript!)
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
  • Removed the new tab-switching & preview behavior based on feedback from Beta 1 users
  • Support for new web technologies such as the <video> and <audio> elements, the W3C Geolocation API, JavaScript query selectors, CSS 2.1 and 3 properties, SVG transforms and offline applications.
  • Tear away tabs (drag tabs and they turn in to a new window)

Firefox seems to have settled to 93/100 on the Acid 3 test and it looks like it's going to stay there till Firefox 3.2. Tear away tabs at the moment are too sensitive and some old tab dragging behavior is lost, this is expected to be fixed for beta 3.

You can download here:

Quote from: old beta 1
Mozilla has decided to make an interim step before Firefox 4 (which is going to have some massive code changes), so has created a fast paced development cycle for a Firefox 3.1. There's going to be at least 2 betas, maybe 3, but looking at a much shorter testing time than Firefox 3 as projects have been smaller and more pragmatical to get a final version out hopefully for before Christmas.

New features include:

  • A new tab-switching shortcut that shows previews of the tab you’re switching to (ctrl + Tab is the short cut)
  • Tab bar on by default to allow more obvious tabbing features like being able to drag a tab from 1 window to another (expect to be able to tear away a tab to it's own window in beta 2)
  • Added support for CSS 2.1 and CSS 3 properties
  • Improved control over the Smart Location Bar using special characters to restrict your search (for example if you use * before searching you just search bookmarks)
  • Support for HTML5 <audio> and <video> tag, with native OGG/Theora support an open source codec with the major example of wikimedia using it
  • Support for the geolocation specification, expect more on this in beta 2 which will be able to calculate your position through local wi-fi spots
  • Allowing multiple bookmarks to be tagged at the same time

You can dowload here:

Things to expect in beta 2:

Much faster JavaScript engine when JIT is enabled
about:sessionrestore to allow much finer control over session restore
Yet further improvement in the Acid 3 score (currently 89/100 in beta 1 with no visual errors, score 90/100 on the trunk, this could rise to 97/100 for Firefox 3.1).

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 14, 2008, 11:43:42 am »
Quantum, I think that you are being very clinical in your observations and not looking at the big picture. The banks are out there to make any penny they can get their hands on.

Yes and our pensions and savings depend on this.

They make some good and some bad descisions on how they invest. As in the USA the banks forced loans on people that they knew had no hope in hell of ever repaying the money. ie. sub prime

Forced loans on people? Get serious, the majority of sub-primes are at least partly to blame for people not thinking about how they'll ever pay it back and just wanting a house to own.

Its only this Labour government that continues to get its ass in trouble,and this started years ago with Blair and his kiss,kiss war (Bush) in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can watch banks pay their employees millions in bonuses while Labour spends a £million every week on these so called wars,and has no concern how the people in the UK struggle to survive.

Your link is somewhat dubious here, wars tend to help economies like ours more than they hurt them.

We should be one of the most prosperous nations in the world but alas we do not have anyone to manage the day to day running of iit. The government may be trying to curb fat cat bonuses but they will never suceed.  There is a breed of super rich folks that run this country because the government is afraid to step on their toes.

We are one of the most prosperous nations in the world, we have about the 5th/6th highest GDP which is insane for the number of people we have and out limited resources. Like it or not we've done this by having a very financial based economy. Richer people tend to vote more than poorer people, so governments tend to listen to them. But at the moment there is certainly a strong feeling from the middle class and middle class vote in large numbers and there's a lot of them, so this is the strongest force for the government to act on things, so they are and will continue to.

You can't stop businesses rewarding for people getting to the top, it's the was business works and interfering with that too much mucks up economies. Government should regulate and step to stop large problems, not broadly interfere as we can see from history that never ends well. So I do like the idea of tying bonuses in to the banks stocks to encourage sound long term investment.

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 14, 2008, 06:42:18 am »
The President of the United States is payed $460,000 (Thousand Dollars) a year ..................... I guess at this rate, you get what you pay for


Do you honestly think that if a person running the country was payed $50 million a year we'd get better people? If the position were filled with people who were just in it for the money. Politics isn't like businesses, and it shouldn't be either.

Our present Labour government seems to be determined  to bale these fat cats out in the pretence that we need them to keep the economy stable. Boll*icks!! The banks are a business,just like any other company.  They have screwed us all for many years,and mis-management should not be rewarded.
Here are a few links for reading.

Well the banks spending isn't "fatcat spending", it's things like giving people a mortgage. So you can try and depersonalise the issues all you want and blame people who are earning a lot of money but it's a systemic failure across lending institutes that had been broadly backed by people and governments. Anyway government policy is to highly curb the excessive bonuses for bank bosses in the future.

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 13, 2008, 12:55:05 pm »
When any corporate CEO's make more money than the President or Prime Minister of a entire "COUNTRY" there is something fundamentally wrong, and needs to be corrected.


It's not in the benefit of a country if the person running its motivation is money. Where as it is often useful for a company just looking for profits.

Executive positions in government are paid very little for their responsibilities on purpose..

General Discussion / Re: dumping your partner
« on: October 13, 2008, 11:08:23 am »
Good to hear your comment Quantum. Its all part of life and growing up. Very few of our members would have the guts to answer this one and give a detail or two. >:D

Of course, I don't regret either of the experiences, I'd be even less developed of a person today than I am now without them lol.

The first girl was on that had a crush on me in college, I ended up leaving her because I had some very messed up emotions about things back then and I didn't really know what I was doing. Being a 'nerd' in highschool I'd never really thought about that sort of thing, it was weird to find a girl who liked me at all (it was wider in uni to realize that wasn't a statistical fluke lol).

As for the girl that left me, well it happened earlier this year. Things were a bit complex from the beginning, we met amongst a group of friends with very complex relationships and histories, she left someone to be with me and we were very close very quickly. I'm fairly sure at the end of it we'd both just about fallen in love with each other without admitting it. But like me she was very over-analytical about everything and she didn't want to hurt me too much so when she moved back home to Korea for the summer, she didn't trust herself to be committal for that long given how she'd been this past year, so she just cut off all communication. It was quite sad really, but our time together was really romantic and happy, so I generally just smile about it  :D

General Discussion / Re: World Wide recession!!!!
« on: October 13, 2008, 10:41:22 am »
Do 2 both honestly think that  ::) ? If it hadn't been for the sub-prime mortgage problem in America we'd of been fine, sure the practices may of been a bit loose and fast with debt over here but it would have hardly caused a recession.

So, if the government had left it as it was there was a chance that one of the big U.K banks would of gone under, taking the whole U.K economy with it. Governments deal in abstracts because it's the only way to help everyone out, Gordon Brown can't go round to everyone struggling in the U.K with money problems ad give them £500, for a start it'd cause more problems than it would solve.

Also to counter both your points, assuming that 1 of the big banks don't go under which would of been catastrophic anyway, the government are going to make a fair bit of profit out of this by soaking up shares while they're cheap and selling them when they're back to normal, potentially saving the tax payer or helping build the U.K infrastructure in the future. The real people making a loss out of this is the shareholders.

General Discussion / Re: dumping your partner
« on: October 12, 2008, 11:01:07 am »
uhhh.... I dumped the girl I was in first serious relationship with and was dumped by the girl I was in the 2nd serious relationship.

But there's not much of a story to either, both were a bit bad and painful and really for stupid reasons.

Computers - Technology / Re: laptop probs
« on: October 12, 2008, 10:46:02 am »
Yeah, I just had that idea, happens sometimes.

Computers - Technology / Re: laptop probs
« on: October 11, 2008, 09:06:40 pm »
Could we have a screen shot please?

Computers - Technology / Re: laptop probs
« on: October 11, 2008, 11:06:08 am »
You really need to explain in what program or context you're getting this, if windows is messing up, just boot from a linux live disk, copy over all the files you need and then re-install windows.

Music - Movies - TV / Re: [TV] Heroes
« on: October 08, 2008, 12:23:27 pm »
Erm, I think so, it's well worth watching from the beginning of season 1.

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