Hi Chip how are you? I am Blind and so therefore I must use special audible screen reader software to use the computer I run an after schools club for Blind Kids here in the UK which I like to call VIPs (Visually Impaired People)
We have to format our comps every 30 days so we can reuse the trial version of `Zoom Text Fusion` from www.aisquared.com
I have recently found another program called MAGic 13.1 whilst that one lasts a lot longer than 30 days it only works for 30 minutes at a time so we are constantly restarting machines.
Chip we are a small self supporting club and cannot afford to donate to you but could you find it within your heart to donate the program (Bit Che+) to us so that we may search for whatever programs we need
If you have any friends / relatives / members who need ANY help with compuyers for the Blind please let me know
Bob (Blind Club)