to be honest, the only security I really care about is preventing my browser from getting hi-jacked/exploited.. and thus infecting my pc.
i took a quick look at the comodo dragon internet and here's the run-down on features:
Comodo Dragon Security:
-Has privacy enhancements that surpass those in Chromium's technology
-Has Domain Validation technology that identifies and segregates superior SSL certificates from inferior ones
-Stops cookies and other Web spies
-Prevents all Browser download tracking to ensure your privacy
so basically, all it's enhancing is 'privacy'.. (i really dont care about cookies, etc). but I can understand people that do..
BUT, in terms of security, what I love about Google Chrome is the advanced sandbox. and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Google Chrome is the only browser to do a secure sandbox on WinXP (and its even better on Win7).
IE 8 sorta does a sandbox on Win7, but its was exploited at a hackcon. I'm not sure where FireFox is with their sandbox, but last time I checked (a year ago?), it was not fully sandboxed on Win7.
to my knowledge, FF4 and IE9 promised much better sandbox security. I have no idea about Opera, but something tells me Opera is just as good as Chrome, being that its always the underdog that seems to outperform.
I would love to be updated and/or corrected on where the major browsers are on security.
ps, another nice feature of Google Chrome is that they embed adobe flash and auto-update it. so, I know if I set a friend up with Google Chrome, they are not going to be getting exploited by a 1 year old Adobe Flash vulnerability.
and.. in case any reads this wondering what a sandbox is... basically, the browser runs and locks the webpages in a separate memory space, in a vault. nothing can come out of the vault and on to the computer without your permission, so even if the website does some exploit to hijack a plugin, its still locked inside the memory space vault/sandbox and can not reach your computer. (really lame description)