Variable Handling:Strings -- all strings must be escaped with
` -- for example this specifies
test as a string:
`test`Variables -- anything not a String or a Special Variable is treated as a Variable -- for example this specifies
test as a variable:
test$Special Result Variables -- variables that hold info regarding the result
@Special Data Variables -- variables that act special
Most basic script commands follow this pattern:
- varName is the return variable (can be either a Variable, $Special Result Variables, or @Special Data Variables)
- Function() is the function name
- p1..p3 are parameters (can be Strings, Variables (any type), or Numeric) and separated by comma
$Special Result Variables:$name - Result Name
$size - Result Size
$page - Page/URL to view more info about the Result
$date - Result Date (or time, etc)
$seeds - Result seeds/peers
$leeches - Result leeches/downloaders
$torrent - URL for the .torrent or magnet link
$source - Site Name where the Result came from
@Special Data Variables:@r - (array) - the entire results table split into the array
@q - (array) - result from the @r array further split to parse the single result
@data - (string) - the HTML response data sent to the script engine
@i - (integer) - index counter. initialized as 1 and always reset to 1 after =array() function
@home - (string) - the URL for the source of the @data (as supplied in the script file from [profile])
@Additional (available only during [initialize] section)@descriptions - (numeric) - either 1 for include description results OR 0 for no description results
@search - (string) - the search terms
@profile - (string) - the search URL
$form - (string) - the FORM string from [login] section
$cookie - (string) - set or update a cookie (format of the input string must be "COOKIE=VALUE;")
Script Engine 3.0 Functions List:find - searches for a string
findh - searches for a string(s) and HALTS if not found
findrev - searches for a string in reverse
crop - crops/cuts a string
split - split a data block into an array
array - access data from the 'q' array
replace - replace a string with another
extract - extract: combines search, crop/cut, and clean.
put - store a String into a variable
& - combine Strings OR variables
+ - add a Number from a variable
- - subtract a Number from a variable
len - returns the length
ucase - returns a string in uppercase
lcase - returns a string in lowercase
urlencode - URL encodes a string for HTML
urldecode - decodes a string for HTML
utf8decode - decodes a UTF8 string
vacuum - removes extra characters
scrub - removes HTML tags
code - used to add functionality for second code section
getcookie - retrieves a specific cookie's data
resubmit - stops script execution and resubmits/redirects to a new url
Script Control Functionsstart - indicates the start of the result parsing loop
add - adds the current torrent to the results list
aloop - adds the current torrent to the results list and loops back to 'start' with the next result in @q
loop - loops back to 'start' with the next result in @q
die - ends the script
reset - resets the @data variable back to its original value
Conditional/Loop Functionsif () then
elseif () then
end if
if (x>0 and x<1) then
elseif (x=5) then
end if
WHILE EXAMPLE:while(x!0 or y!0)
NOTE: for the above 2 examples, the following is true:1. evaluation: ">" - greater than
"<" - less than
"!" - NOT equal
"=" - equal to
2. multiple conditions (IF, ELSEIF, WHILE can accept a SINGLE evaluation or a SECOND evaluation using):"and" -- both evaluations are valid
"or" -- either evaluation are valid
Notes: Scripts are designed to parse HTML output into 2 arrays (@R and @Q). The first array '@r' stores the data that contains all of the 'results' and is parsed based on whatever delimiter is required to put each complete result into its own array element of '@r'. The delimiter for '@r' is typically "</TR>". The second array '@q' is used when looping through each result in '@r' and splits the data into a organized data array. The delimiter for '@q' is typically something like "/TD>". Then we loop through the information array and store the torrent information to special variables.