LTNS Syn, hope all is well

might as well see what needs to be fixed for that setup... all my testing was with ubuntu.
1. whats the default torrent handler for the linux environment?
2. what happens when you try to save or open a torrent? does it create a temporary file in the Wine environment,
%appdata%\Convivea\Bit_Che\3\temp\ ? (note, you must keep Bit Che running since will wipe that directory when restarting Bit Che).
3. does View Torrent Details work? (and load the torrent details on the dialog?)
4. if yes to 3, then does 'Open Torrent' work from that dialog? and by work, i mean does it open in your linux default handler?
5. does Bit Che detect its in a Wine environment? it will say " - [wine]" in the status bar of Bit Che main window when starting it up.
there might be an easy regedit fix for the Wine environment to send the .torrent from Wine -> Linux environment, which I've had to do in the past.. but it was previously reported working on ubuntu. looking
forward to improving this.
EDIT:: I just took a look a the Bit Che code and for a Wine environment, it currently relys on 'winebrowser' to open the .torrent in your Linux environment. found here: that should come preinstalled with Wine. any idea if thats not working on your Wine config? off the top of my head im not sure how to test winebrowser.
EDIT2:: ill try to setup a openSUSE-13.2-DVD-x86_64.iso environment to test myself
