date: Mar 5nd, 2008
-Windows Vista compatible: now stores scripts, language, temp and other program files under "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA" (can be disabled using "portable=1")
-added option to set "portable=1" under "[options]" in the settings.ini to force Bit Che to use the current directory as the root dir (mainly for making Bit Che portable safe)
-added new icons (much prettier when ALT-Tab, etc)
-rearranged some menu items locations & added 2 new menu options "Open App Data Folder" and "Clear Search History"
-self-heals the BC:// links if the registry doesn't link to the current running Bit Che.exe
this will be Bit Che 1.0 build 60 RC1!
happy testing.. thanks everyone!
ps, notes about the new storage paths.. this change was made to be compatible with Vista and future versions of Windows. Users will no longer have UAC problems and "Run as Administrator" is no longer required. Bit Che will automatically copy the settings.ini (and essential Bit Che files) to the new storage path. this allows Bit Che to install over old versions and not lose the old settings.ini.