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Is blu-ray worth the extra costs?

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--- Quote from: MinLo on November 19, 2008, 06:14:21 pm ---I have a 37" 1080i.....So I'm probably good with dvd due to very little chance in noticing the difference?
With my 360 it will upconvert it to 1080P if I select it through the 360 menu but when I set the 360 to auto select it ends up 768p.....
When I watch local tv in 1080i, it looks nice.......
Is it normal for HD tvs that are rated 1080i to be able to upconvert to 1080p? Or when the 360/Bluray player upconverts is really 1080p?http://

--- End quote ---

ya you right a 37" unless its some "National Geographic" movie type you won't see much of a diffrence .... the older 1080i is compatible with newer 720p- and 1080p-based televisions but must be deinterlaced first in order to be displayed on those sets and I'm farely sure that bluray upconverts to 1080p

Well thanks for your help Fuzzy!

Since blurays needs a hdtv and the hdtv needs to be a big enough size to notice the difference, I think Bluray is gonna struggle for movies........
I think bluray is gonna be sweet when the price comes down for the average comp burn, but for movies its just so different when it went from VHS to DVD........
Granted when VHS to DVD happened the storage meduim changed more drastically than the dvd to bluray, but you could use your existing tv to notice and enjoy the benefits......So the price of upgrading to DVD was lower than HDTV w/40" screen, bluray player.....
Even with the PS3 it seems to have complaints due to the speed of the bluray laser.......Mandatory installs for games and lagging with ones w/o installs.....I think Sony really messed up by rushing Bluray to quick to get it out on the market.......

Is Blue-ray better for porn??......a friend of mine wants to know....... [shifty]

I think fuzzy has pretty much nailed this one for you.

I wouldn't bother with blu ray unless you have a 40"+ Full HD 1080p TV.

It looks nice, but cost vs nice to me isn't worth it unless you have like a 50" TV.

--- Quote ---if I select it through the 360 menu but when I set the 360 to auto select it ends up 768p.....
--- End quote ---

I would have thought this is correct, since a 1080i TV would not be able to display 1080p, but can display 720p @ 1080i. Because of the fields it's pretty much the same picture quality anyway, just depends on how your TV will handle it. I don't have a 360 but I thought that it's HD was 1080i?

And yes blu ray plays do upscale to 1080p - but you will need a 1080p TV to do this first. So if you play blu ray on your TV it will only play 720p or 1080i anyway. Like you say, it looks nice (when watching it on TV - noting that HDTV station are only 1080i or 720p depending, not 1080p) but it's not hundreds of dollars worth of difference, to me anyway.

Blu ray is great for home theatres, and I think yes it will take over from DVD... but not long before we all have our TVs plugged to the net and get our TV/movies that way from anywhere in the world, in which case having something as silly as a physical disc that will get scratched, lost, etc will be just crazy :). (I reckon that will be 6-7 years before it's standard).

In a nutshell. NO.
As NWM said we have some way to go. I dont even watch a TV. It`s all on my PC. Yes, it might be a few hours before I can watch  a program but I`m not in that big of a hurry,and I can watch from channels(live) all over the world which are updated daily. So decent graphics and reasonable specs on PC will give you an excellent movie/program format. Beware of sites promising thousands of channels. I got lucky with mine and they are doing what they said they would,updating daily.


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