hey billy, so.. unfortunately each of those web browsers handle the saving of passwords differently.
if they were all stored in FireFox and you removed that, then sounds like you will have to put them all in again. If you are using Internet Explorer, it might not be as user friendly about saving your passwords so it might be more difficult. My advice, if you had a problem with FireFox, would be to install Google Chrome (thats what I use, probably the most user friendly) or Opera web browser (another excellent choice), or try installing the latest FireFox 4.0.
you will probably have to put passwords in again, but Google Chrome does a pretty good job of "importing" your passwords/settings from another browser. If the latest version of FireFox 4.0 works for you, then you might not have to put all the passwords back in if the settings were still left on your computer (even when you uninstalled).