[Most] Religions themselves are not inherently evil. It's the people who follow them that misinterpret them or the people who lead them are abuse their power.
There will ALWAYS be humans somewhere on this planet that hate/kill someone else simply because they are different.
If religion didn't exist, then people will kill for other reasons, there are plenty examples of this. Nationality, ethnicicity, and physical features are just a couple. Sex is a big one too.
Exactly! Don't know about sex lol but yes I completely agree with this point, it more the fault of the followers than the religion itself, most religions tend to preach acceptance and tolerance as the main theme but a few passages in a text here and there will be exploited by others who have much to gain. I personally think its human nature, if there was no religion there would still be the exact same problems hidden behind different reasons.
Until all the races and religions combine into one gigantic mass of tanned people who are all some sort of neutral religion, there will always be hate in the world. This is obviously not going to happen.
This I don't agree with, even though it would seem that all should be right, when we look at this in contrast to the world we live in now, other problems would present themselves to create division and existing ones would probably intensify. These could represent themselves as (for example) a greater division between social classes, divide between rich and the poor, differences of ideals with regards to government/ruling strategy (nationalism/communism/capitalism/anarchy). The laws of the land can be perverted just as much as religion can... living in a police state wouldn't be very different from living under a "religious law", we'd have to watch what we said, what we did, who knows even ate and our basic freedoms would be taken away.
In short we are not perfect, so we can never expect a perfect society, the main thing is that we try to be the best we can be..... and rather ironically this is something religions aim to teach