haha.. i dont remember a coffee shop there when i was there last, but you got it.. Olde, Aero Island, Denmark
not a new vowel = OLD.. E (a vowel) ok a little play on words?
(an old vowel)....
island resonating a sharp point.. Aero island.. correct, pronouced Arrow
and little pastry to give the danes away
nice job, all around.. ? congrats..
the island is pretty tiny, a nice bike ride around it will let you see everything.. my hostel was but a half mile from OLDE.. last summer i just happened accidentally to arrive there with my backpacking friend the same day that a German regatta (1000+) arrived in the VERY tiny port, and they had a HUGE party... and since me and my friend were from california, they welcomed us warmly
.... nice nostalgic Where Am I for me... hehe