Author Topic: New uses of P2P technology  (Read 8360 times)


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New uses of P2P technology
« on: July 06, 2007, 04:29:36 pm »
what are some of the other interesting ways the p2p concept and technologies can be used? or the ability to harness multiple computers across the globe to help scientific research..what else can be done.. any ideas? issues? problems in the long run? dedication of users?

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Re: New uses of P2P technology
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 08:32:29 am »
P2P isn't very good for scientific applications, often the amount of data sent and received in cluster like applications, where using multiple CPUs across multiple computers, is very very small, otherwise it wouldn't be very good for that kind of application.

P2P is simply ideal for sending large amounts of data across networks when demand high and supply bandwidth is low. I also find it somewhat useful for sending huge amounts of data across LANs, it seems to be a more reliable system than something like Windows network transfer (300GBs+).
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Re: New uses of P2P technology
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2007, 12:22:00 pm »
I always use FTP to transfer things over a LAN. That way I can resume and the only limitation is the speed of your computer (mainly hard drive) with a 1 Gbps network.