
Author Topic: Less results using "All" than "Video"  (Read 7918 times)


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Less results using "All" than "Video"
« on: July 08, 2007, 12:29:46 am »

I just noticed that BitCHE occasionally seems to leave out results.

I did one of my regular searches, and noticed that Demonoid didn't show a file up that I had downloaded yesterday.  Doing the search directly on demonoid gets the result. Try comparing a search for "Underwater" with BitCHE *JUST* searching Demonoid, and a search on DM itself.

In fact a search for Underwater on DM is only returning 1 result if "All" is selected, but 5 results if "Video" is selected.

Can anyone confirm please, or is my machine playing silly buggers.  It's consistent for me across runs of BitCHE.

Offline chip!

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Re: Less results using "All" than "Video"
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2007, 03:41:42 am »
i just quickly checked and its actually what i expected... its not returning less results, the others are getting filtered out of ALL because they dont match 'Underwater'... in this case, its because Bit Che uses the search query to return results with the highest seeders first... letting the others that dont match 'Underwater' in the title to beat out others that might, but with less seeders..

until bit che returns results from multiple pages, you can edit the search query in Bit Che to remove the sort by seeders for.. ill be back later if you need help with that.  (settings.ini)

  -  -   And...  boom goes the dynamite.


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Re: Less results using "All" than "Video"
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2007, 04:07:51 am »

Hmm, I can't see anything obvious there for seed number sorting in [Demonoid] or [Options] or in Demonoid.ini, though I notice the Demonoid Script is using external=1, which means externally tracked torrents, I've changed that to external=0 for Demonoid tracked ones, and it's picking up the results I was expecting. (external=2 for both)

And I've just learned something.

Cheers, Mark