Author Topic: Bit Che doesn't work with Opera [9.23]  (Read 8997 times)


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Bit Che doesn't work with Opera [9.23]
« on: September 30, 2007, 09:30:10 am »
javascript:void(0);  Bit Che worked on my last system: it sent my torrent requests to Opera, where they worked fine.
But on my new system when i click on a torrent in Bit Che, i get the torrent-downloading flag, but then... nada.
Any ideas folks?  Thanks in advance...  Marni

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Re: Bit Che doesn't work with Opera [9.23]
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2007, 11:18:48 am »
howdy, welcome to the forums :)

first, what OS are you running on your new system? Is it Vista or XP?

second,  have you tried doing something like this yet?

1. "save" a torrent in Bit Che to your hard drive
2. double click the .torrent you saved in Windows Explorer
3. it should ask you how you want to open the file.. so just find 'Opera' and click OK
4. from now on, 'Opera' should be properly associated with .torrents and Bit Che will have no problems sending them to the client..

if that doesnt work, let me know and I can take a closer look at Opera itself. 

  -  -   And...  boom goes the dynamite.


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Re: Bit Che doesn't work with Opera [9.23]
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 11:29:45 am »
      I'd say you were very clever but your "Open with" idea is very simple.  So i think i was very stupid!
      I tried it.  It worked.  Blush.  Thanks! 

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