changed heat sink to artic cooler freezer 7 pro with fan control. IT IS RUNNING AT 660-690RPM. NEED TO CHANGE ONE CASE FAN AROUND. SEE WHAT I MEAN ABOUT CAPS,CANT GET OUT OF THIS WITHOUT RE-BOOT.
INSTALLED A P4 630 TO GET ME GOING. SINCE MOBO IS FSB800 WAS LOOKING AT THIS IS LOCAL STORE NO P AND P any other suggestions ref cpu, will reboot and try to clear this lot up
w`oops it just cleared to lower case.
rebooted and back on lower case again. can you check out any other prices for core 2 duo at fsb 800 keeping in mind p&p.
had all case fans on exhaust, but will change front fan to blow into case and exhaust to rear and side of case.
little bit of extra money coming in this weekend from old unused pension can afford a decent
need a decent new monitor to handle higher resolution.