1. How about a statistics page? just like the results and downloaded when we start bit che but to show more:
searches, torrents downloaded, torrents founded, file size of the files etc
2. Rating system it would be good if we can add a rating on the torrent sites. Another reason for private servers is the ratio we have on a site. for example if we have low ratio we can add a very good rating to remember to seed. On public trackers we have also differences just like the example i say with btjunkie.
3. Something else, when we are using the bc:// command like it replaces the latest search. make it to do the search in new tab open to maximize to window if it is minimize (not maximize,return to previous state)
4. What about also a "type" in the list with the results? i mean to be able to sort files in order of extension
1. Great idea for the statistics. I will improve this and either add the statistics to the About Bit Che dialog, or just use a MenuItem & MessageBox to display the more detailed stats. Or maybe ill just have it loaded into the statusbar as well. I'm not sure yet.
2. I like the rating system idea so I have written it down as things to consider, but that would definitely require some major changes to Bit Che and even the ListControl. But, since I was going to try and get one that is UniCode aware or maybe eventually write my own, this rating system might be a good idea.
3. I will fix that for sure. Ick!
4. I dont think type will be possible unless we start extracting that from the search sites. But, this is *sort* of redundant, because if you use Media Type searching, then you can assume that what your seeing is a video, or music, etc.. However, I'll add this to the list. If/When I get around to implementing torrent date extraction from the site, i'll look into the file type as well.