* Patch for filter_var()
define('FILTER_VALIDATE_IP', 'ip');
define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV4', 'ipv4');
define('FILTER_FLAG_IPV6', 'ipv6');
define('FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL', 'email');
define('FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE', 'unicode');
function filter_var($variable, $filter, $option = false){
if($filter == 'ip'){
if($option == 'ipv4'){
if(preg_match("/(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/", $variable, $matches)){
$variable = $matches[1];
return $variable;
if($option == 'ipv6'){
if(preg_match("/\s*(([:.]{0,7}[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}){1,8})\s*/", $variable, $matches)){
$variable = $matches[1];
return $variable;
if($filter == 'email'){
if($option == 'unicode' || $option == false){
if(preg_match("/\s*(\S*@\S*\.\S*)\s*/", $variable, $matches)){
$variable = $matches[1];
return $variable;
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